Servicios de reciclaje residencial
Nuestra comunidad se preocupa por un medio ambiente más limpio y queremos hacer el reciclaje en tu área más fácil y conveniente.
¡Apunta hacia un mañana más verde con nosotros!
Solicite reciclaje residencial

Verifica la disponibilidad del servicio de reciclaje en tu área y obtén una estructura de precios clara.

Suscríbete al plan de reciclaje más adecuado y configura tu cuenta de forma rápida y segura.

Comienza tu viaje hacia un estilo de vida más ecológico con nuestro programa de reciclaje.
Curbside Recycling Program
Vail Honeywagon offers 2 different types of collection services depending on the neighborhood in which you live, Single Stream and Dual Stream. The service is on the same day as your trash day, but not at the same time. Be sure to have your recycling on the curb by 8 AM. Please take into account our rapid weather changes. Use common sense – place a heavy object on recycling that might get blown around. Our drivers will not clean up recycling that has been scattered by wind or animals!
Please do NOT put recycling in plastic bags for collection.
Two Different Recycling Collections
Single Stream Recycling
Single Stream recycle collection now available in the following areas: *All in 1 Bin includes cardboard and paperboard!
Town of Vail – weekly
Avon / Wildridge / Mountain Star
Beaver Creek
Homestead / Lake Creek / South 40 / Old Edwards
Gypsum / Dotsero
Eagle outside the town limits
Please call us if you have any questions.
Cardboard can be collected at the curb for our Single Stream customers. Please breakdown cardboard to 2 ft x 3 ft pieces. If the cardboard is not broken down, it will NOT be collected.
Thank you for helping us reduce our carbon footprint by assisting in our efficient collection.
Dual Stream 2 Bin Recycling
Available in the following neighborhoods:
Town of Eagle Resident accounts
Dual Stream 2 Bin Recycling
What & How… Household recycling is easy. Just follow these instructions when you place the items in the Vail Honeywagon recycle bins. Recyclables must be in Vail Honeywagon recycle bins to ensure reliable service.
Bin # 1: Paper – newspaper, office paper, magazine, paperboard
Bin # 2: Comingle – glass, aluminum, plastic
Cardboard is NOT accepted in dual-stream curbside collection.
Cardboard can be recycled at the Eagle County recycle drop-off sites.
Dual Stream can now put paperboard in the paper bin at the curb. Contaminated recycling will be refused and extra charges will apply for contaminated recycling.
Vail Honeywagon Recycling Update
Vail Honeywagon is committed to providing sustainable waste diversion services as a demonstration of our commitment to protecting the local mountain environment. Recycling is the easiest way for our customers to take advantage of Vail Honeywagon’s sustainable collection options and it is important that we all do our part in understanding the local recycling processes.
Recyclable materials that Vail Honeywagon collects and transports become commodities that are sold on a worldwide market. During the last five years commodity prices have fallen dramatically and foreign markets that purchase recycled material are shrinking. This has created growing inventories of recycled materials and further devaluation of the commodity.
Additional Resources
Materials not accepted:
Recyclable materials contained in plastic bags will not be collected for recycling *Extra charges may apply if we need to send a separate truck to pick up contaminated recycling
Plastic Bags
Coffee Cups
Mirrors & Glassware
Soft Plastics & Packaging
Hard to Recycle Materials
Please refer to the following locations when disposing of hard to recycle materials.
Batteries & Bulbs:
Eagle County Household Hazardous Waste – (970) 328-3468 – Wolcott
Vail Valley Ace Hardware – (970) 476-8282 – Vail
Eagle County Hazardous Waste – (970) 328-3468 – Wolcott
Vail Valley Ace Hardware – (970) 476-8282 – Vail
Sherwin Williams – (970) 845-0686
Eagle County Household Hazardous Waste – (970) 328-3468 – Wolcott
*ECHW also accepts aerosol, pesticides & motor oil
Furniture/Clothing & Toys:
Eagle Valley Community Fund – (970) 845-7070 – Minturn
Vail Valley Cares – (970) 926-7134 – Edwards & (970) 328-1444 – Eagle
Habitat for Humanity – (970) 328-1119 – Eagle
*Habitat does not accept clothing
Scrap Metal:
Trinity Recycling – (970) 328-5051
vailhoneywagon.com – (970) 467-3511
Servicios en toda nuestra red

La eliminación incorrecta de la batería puede provocar incendios
Los artículos domésticos comunes parecen inofensivos; sin embargo, las baterías que contienen representan un riesgo cuando se desechan en la basura normal o en contenedores de reciclaje debido a su naturaleza altamente inflamable.
Extrae las baterías
Verifica los dispositivos electrónicos que necesita desechar. Si es posible, extrae las pilas. De lo contrario, lleva todo el dispositivo al lugar de entrega.Guarda las baterías en un lugar seguro
Guarda las baterías en recipientes no metálicos (plástico, cartón o vidrio) que no conduzcan la electricidad si se produce una chispa.Encuentra tu punto de entrega local
Busca una tienda local de desechos electrónicos o un punto de entrega cerca de ti.